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St. Barnabas’ Society and Home and KGV

Our Project- helping hands to homeless and the underserved community

Since COVID-19 has started, many of us are pretty much stuck in our home. However, there are some people who don't even have a home. They had anywhere to go. They don’t even have money to buy masks or any other supplies to keep themselves safe. They wandered around, suffering to get help from the virus protection. Now, the epidemic has lasted for a year. Yet, the situation is not turning any better, or even more serious. 

As the needs of goods from different industries decrease, the number of redundancies increase rapidly making more homeless people. The redundancies rate has reached 6.4% in 2020 which means 3,884,600 people have lost their jobs due to the coronavirus.

Due to the restricted order that the government has set, saying “the number of customers must not exceed 50 per cent of the normal seating capacity”. Many people that have been sleeping in fast-food restaurants have to spend their night in an opening area in the cold winter. According to the 24 hour fast food restaurant homeless statistic, people sleeping in fast food restaurants have increased 685% which is incredible. 

They are slowly losing their hope to the end of COVID-19. Their supply can run out at any time. Elderly people are worrying everyday about whether they will be the next person of a COVID carrier. The atmosphere in Hong Kong is turning downwards, bringing a negative impression to the society. 

Purpose - bringing warmth in CNY

Our purpose is to bring warmth to people who are alone during the Chinese New Year where families are gathering together sharing their joy. We want to bring warmth to them and also emphasize that they are not alone. People in Hong Kong and even the whole world are fighting against the coronavirus together.

Who we are - Helpers from KGV

Adrian, Ainsley, and Liz (listed by alphabetical order) are students volunteered to help with the project. We strongly believe that we are having the same goal as the SBSH charity does where we are not only giving help to people. We are there to help people to reintegrate them back into society.

More about our "Vote for My Favourite GIVE a GIVE Logo" campaign

The vote will start at Jan 27 and ends at Feb 05 which provides students and parents two weeks to vote. We are hoping to raise as much as we can. We are hoping to raise 1500 which allow us to have 30 gifts gained. The funds we have raised will be used to buy groceries items for prevention of pandemic COVID-19 and festive food to celebrate CNY.

We really need help from fellow students because the virus is turning putting both Hong Kong and the SBSH charity in a very serious situation. Furthermore, as the Chinese New Year is coming up quickly, we are left with three weeks for gift preparation until the Chinese New Year comes. We will be very grateful and pleased if students and parents are willing to give a helping hand. 

Further information about our detail plan can be found below.

How to vote:

  1. Click on our campaign website (Home page) and vote your logo with a click                 , fill in the google form. 

  2. Remember to write your KGV email correct so that we can contact you after the campaign is finished.


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